The Best Forum to Talk About Indie Game Development: A Guide for Developers

 Indie game development is a thriving and dynamic community filled with talented creators, passionate gamers, and aspiring developers. If you're diving into the world of indie game development, finding the right forum to connect with like-minded individuals can be a game-changer. Whether you're looking for technical advice, creative inspiration, or marketing tips, here's a list of the best forums to talk about indie game development.

  • TIGSource

TIGSource, short for The Independent Gaming Source, is one of the most well-known indie game development forums. It offers a vibrant community where you can discuss game development, share your projects, and receive feedback from experienced developers. TIGSource has a diverse range of topics, from design and coding to art and sound. The forums are also known for their supportive and welcoming atmosphere, making it an excellent place for newcomers.

  • is a comprehensive resource for game developers, with a dedicated section for indie game development. It has a large and active community, covering everything from beginner to advanced topics. The forum provides a wealth of information on programming, game design, and game marketing, as well as resources for job opportunities and collaborations.

  • IndieDB

IndieDB is more than just a forum; it's a platform for indie game developers to showcase their projects and connect with a broader audience. The community section allows developers to discuss their games, share development progress, and engage with other indie creators. If you're interested in getting feedback on your game or looking for exposure, IndieDB is a great platform to explore.

  • Reddit's r/IndieDev

Reddit's r/IndieDev is a bustling subreddit dedicated to indie game development. It's a great place to ask questions, share your projects, and connect with other developers. The subreddit is known for its engaging discussions and active participation. You'll find a mix of seasoned developers and newcomers offering a diverse range of perspectives and insights.

  • Unity Community Forums

For developers working with Unity, the Unity Community Forums are an invaluable resource. With dedicated sections for indie game development, these forums provide technical support, scripting advice, and design discussions. You'll also find information on Unity-specific tools, assets, and workflows, making it ideal for Unity developers.

  • Unreal Engine Forums

Similar to the Unity forums, the Unreal Engine Forums are a hub for developers using Unreal Engine. The indie game development section covers a range of topics, from blueprint scripting to level design. If you're using Unreal Engine to create your indie game, this forum is a must-visit for valuable insights and troubleshooting tips.

  • Gamasutra

Gamasutra is a comprehensive website dedicated to the game development industry, featuring news, articles, and a community section. Professionals and indie developers alike frequent the forums on Gamasutra. You can find insightful discussions on game design, business, technology, and even career advice. This platform is a great place to gain industry insights while interacting with experienced developers.

  • Community is a popular platform for indie game distribution, but it also has an active community where developers share their projects and exchange ideas. The Community forums are an excellent place to connect with other indie developers, discuss game development challenges, and get feedback on your work. This platform is particularly valuable for indie developers who are looking to launch their games or participate in game jams.

  • Construct Community Forums

If you're using Construct to develop your indie games, the Construct Community Forums are a great resource. With sections for beginners and experienced developers, these forums cover topics like game design, scripting, and Construct-specific tips. The community is supportive and eager to help, making it a useful resource for those learning game development with Construct.

  • Godot Engine Community

The Godot Engine Community is perfect for developers using the Godot game engine. This forum guides all aspects of game development with Godot, including programming, scripting, and asset creation. It's an ideal place to get assistance from other Godot users and share your progress with a community that's focused on open-source game development.

  • IndieGameBusiness

IndieGameBusiness is a platform dedicated to the business side of indie game development. Their forums offer insights into marketing, funding, publishing, and partnerships. If you're interested in the commercial aspects of indie games or looking to turn your passion into a business, this forum can provide valuable guidance.

  • Game Maker Community

For developers using GameMaker Studio, the GameMaker Community forums are a top resource. With topics ranging from basic game design to advanced scripting, these forums cater to both beginners and experienced developers. The community is active and offers useful tips, making it a great place to seek advice on GameMaker-related issues.


Finding the right forum can significantly impact your journey as an indie game developer. Whether you're looking for technical advice, design inspiration, or a supportive community, these forums offer a wealth of resources to help you succeed. Explore each platform, engage with the community, and don't hesitate to ask questions. Indie game development is all about collaboration and learning from others, so make the most of these forums to bring your game to life.

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